Use this to help you get started on your 1st draft of Project Proposals which are due Monday Oct 24.
Project Proposal
I. Introduction
What is your project? Briefly describe what you will do.
Describe the product you will create.
What do you hope to learn through this work?
II. Authenticity
Why you are interested in this? Why have you chosen this project?
How will your project or product be used by someone?
Will this project/product benefit your Internship site? How will it be used?
III. Academic Rigor
How does your project challenge you as a learner; what new knowledge will you gain? (This is where you can get specific with Standards, critical thinking skills, etc.)
What guiding/framing/essential (whichever word your staff uses) question do you have around this work?
What sub-questions will help you answer this guiding/framing/essential question (10-15 sub-questions)?
What resources will you use to answer these sub questions (books, journals, pod casts, documentaries, expert interviews, etc.)?
IV. Active Learning
How is your project hands-on?
How will you document your hands-on learning?
What models will you use to help create your project?
Describe the steps you will take to complete this project. (Your Process)
V. Adult Relationships
Who will be your mentor for this project?
What other adults can assist you with this project, and what will each of them assist you with?
How often will you meet with each of these adults?
VI. Assessment
How will we determine if your work is complete?
How should your work be evaluated? What are the criteria? (As students get more practice, you can help them develop their own language and rubrics to describe excellence.)
Who should evaluate your work? (mentor? Adult experts, teacher, other teachers, etc.)
How will you reflect on your work? (Journal, narrative, product paper)
What will you show at your exhibition?
VII. Timeline
See guide for creating a project timeline and attach it to your proposal.
Remember to look at your process list to assist you in your planning.
Always start from your due date and work backwards.
Use a calendar to plan backwards from your final due date.