Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hello my great students!!!  I hope you are working hard this Monday and behaving!!

So here is what you need to do for this activity:

Get into your table groups and research and answer the following:

What was the Shays Rebellion and what were its effects?       Please write a summary as a group and list at least two effects of this rebellion.   Please hand in your finished paper into Mr. Crisman

The summary should not be only 2 sentences. :)

Mr. Kane

    Friday, November 25, 2011

    Vocab words

    Class:  here are the Vocab words for Mondays quiz.  Please find definitions if you have not already and study.  The quiz will be either matching or the I will read out the definition and you will have to know what word(from a word list on the board) which word I am defining.  email with questions.

    Section 1: Why Americans Have Government
    Absolute Monarchs
    Totalitarian Government
    Direct democracy
    Representative Democracy/Republic
    American Government

    Section 2: Our First American Government
    Declaration of Independence
    Human Rights
    Articles of  Confederation